I go to Salt Lake Community College and I absolutely love it! All of my classes were at the South City Campus my first semester and then part of them were at both South City and Redwood Campuses. This semester I am taking all of my classes at Redwood Campus because all my undergrad classes are there. I am working on my Pre-Teacher Undergrad am I am loving it so far. The only bad thing about Redwood Campus - it isn't South City Campus. I LOVE it there! The institute was my favorite. I was on the council during the Spring 09 Semester. I have the most amazing friends there and the current LDSSA President is my absolute favorite. He has helped me through so much as has everyone else at that institute. It was my second home. I spent more time there than at my own home. I truly miss it this semester but I'm in search of new adventures and new friends.
I am taking 14 credit hours this semester. I'm taking EDU 1010: Orientation to Education, EDU 2011: Inclusive Classrooms, EDU 2110: Education Psychology Learning and Literacy, MATH 1050: College Algebra, and HLAC 1721: Social Dance II. Education Psych is the hardest class by far but I'm handling it.
There are a lot of new adventures for me this year. I get to juggle work, 14 credit hours, and I am also the historian for the ZETA chapter in the Lambda Delta Sigma sorority at the University of Utah Institute of Religion for the LDS church. I absolutely love right now and I love being busy but I love a break too.
I wouldn't be able to get through everyday without my family, my friends, and my church. I always get a hug from my cute little brother, "fashion advice" from my 16-year-old sister, encouragement from my dad, an open ear from my mom, optimistic outlook from my best friend Allie, and good times from Elisa, Sarah, Morgan, and Amy. Thanks to all of you, you're all amazing!