This past weekend has also been an absolute blast! On Friday I had a birthday party for my friend Ashley. She just turned 20! At this party we ate healthy food.. much to Katch and the boys' dismay. I loved it though. Ashley and Sica had a wonderful idea to make caramel out of condensed milk. You put a can (unopened) of condensed milk in a pan completely covered with water, bring the water to a boil and then turn the heat down so it can simmer for four hours. It was really good caramel... four hours later! haha But we all hopped into Amy's beast of a truck and went up to the view by Church Hill Junior High and saw the "Ocean!" You basically look at the valley upside down. It is really cool, but I couldn't look at it long because the blood was rushing to my head! We also went on the sidewalk that goes over the freeway. It was kinda weird because you could feel the bridge moving. But we played Frogger ("dodged" cars) and jumped over semi trucks! SOOO MUCH FUN!!! We also have created a series on inside jokes because of funny YouTube videos. Thanks Morgan Aldous! haha Below is a poor quality picuture of the "Ocean" (you try taking a good picture without a flash). The picture is a view of the Salt Lake Valley, but the picture is upside down. It's much better in person, trust me!

On Saturday night I did homework... and then Josh Bates came over and helped me study for my math test tomorrow. At least he did for awhile until I finally stole the answer key from him because he was holding it ransom. I learn by seeing and he wouldn't let me see. He resorted to watching some Japanese cartoon, whose name escapes me, while I finished studying. Then Elisa and Eric came over and we got Transformers II from RedBox and then went to Dans and bought 3 pizzas, ice cream, and drinks. We came back to my humble abode and baked the pizzas at 10:30 at night and started the movie (we sure are crazy haha). It sure was fun! :D I didn't take any pictures though... too bad.

Tonight I am going to a movie night... I was invited to two but I'm not sure which one I'm going to go to... I'll probably end up just going to the one I usually go to haha. Well as you can see I've had a crazy weekend (I also worked Friday and Saturday... what an experience.) but I just love my friends and I don't know what I would do without them! THANKS GUYS YOU'RE THE GREATEST EVER!!!