Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ready... and Breath!

I've had to keep reminding myself that this month.
I went through a lot, but I was able to handle it!
Most of my pain has been relieved,
let me explain :)

Back Relief:
My back feels so much better! There are still moments when it's tender, but that's what happens with back injuries, they never really go away. I'm okay with that now. :) My coworkers have been awesome and let me rest my back for a week or so until I was up for lifting things, like children, again. My amazing friends have given me lots of back rubs and shoulder massages and helped me pop my back when it got stuck in a funk.

School Relief:
Finals are finished, finis, terminado, klaar, terminat, finito, and fertig! Hallelujah! I finished everything I needed to do. I may have not done it all with flying colors but I did what I could with the metal capacity I had at the moment. I used my planner and found joy in crossing things off that I finished! I know that I have one A, I think the rest will be B's but I don't really care anymore! Now I just need to register for next semester! Woot woot!

Social Relief:
I still miss my friends, but in a good way. Ephraim was able to come back like once a week so I got to spend time with him! Allie left, BUT I got a letter from her yesterday! :D She loves the MTC and thinks I would love it too... I think she was hinting at something haha. But that's not on my current list of things to do... SO ANYWAY! I love her and I'm so glad she's doing what she feels is right, just like I am. I have also been able to spend time with my other friends. Yes, we were all busy with finals for about two weeks there, but now we're all done and making big plans for the break... or at least lots of little plans! Oh and I still don't want a boyfriend, but the thought doesn't make me break out in a cold sweat anymore. I think I'm ready for anything my Father in Heaven has planned for me! And I have every one's Christmas presents ready and I'm so excited to give them out! I don't even know if I can wait 'til Christmas!

Family Relief:
I get to see my mom more! I'm done with school and I can see her after work and on Saturdays! We even went shopping yesterday, SO MUCH FUN! Love that amazing, talented, beautiful woman! My dad and I have been on better terms lately! We just give each other space and I'm home more because school and finals are over. Happiness in the household.

Moving-Out Relief:
So life happened and Elisa may not be moving out with me anymore, she is deciding on which college to go to and then she will move out/in with me if she ends up going to the University of Utah. I and totally supportive of this decision and I want her to do what is best for HER, not me. However, I have found a totally awesome duplex and I will be moving in with my childhood friend Annie and possibly my friend Alexis if all goes well. (Elisa might move in once the school situation is sorted out.) I'M STOKED!!! I have sent in my application to the landlord and they will let me know asap! I may be on my own at the first of the year. I also will probably be dirt pour, so the simple pleasures will be my entertainment! :) Oh so happy!

Colon Relief:
My doctor and his nurse are pretty much my heroes right now! They have taken care of me these past three years as I have been dealing with my ulcerative colitis. Amazing people (once again, as in strikes AWE.) My body hasn't really reacted to the stress even though I ran out of medication for like a week or two. It's been handling it like a champ! I know I have been blessed and I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father. PLUS I haven't even had a flare up even though I let my defenses down over the past few days. I'm healthy and happy once again!

I have so much to be grateful for!
My friends and family have been absolutely amazing.
I could not have made it through with out them.
It would take way to long to write.
Basically I have been able to
and just be happy again.

Christmas break, here I come!

Monday, November 8, 2010

hEaD eXpLoDiNg

That is the only description to what I feel like right now!!!
Let me try and explain coherently.

BaCk PaIn:
I hurt my lower back last Thursday at work... I fell off some playground equipment and I'm not going into detail... then went country swing dancing that night after not going for like a week and a half. I was not gentle to my body, thus I could barely move the next morning. THEN on Saturday I went shopping for four hours (whole body ached) and then was teaching my friend a swing dancing move later that evening. Well, he dropped me... on my head. It felt like my head was pushing my spine into itself... but getting stuck in an upside down 'v' position (^). OUCH. Luckily my friend Nate is an EMT and he came to my rescue. I did get a blessing from my awesome friends last night and it's amazing how much it helped! (You guys are the best!) However, I'm still recovering and sitting in a position for too long makes my back ache... like studying for example!

sChOoL pAiN:
Thus bringing me to my next head exploding issue! I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!!! (Yes, I know I could be working on this issue right now by not blogging, but I tried to do that for like an hour with no avail because I cannot focus when I have so much on my mind. Thus, I'm technically being productive my getting all my thoughts out on "paper.") I am taking four classes and I have 4 assignments and a project due next Monday, a huge test tomorrow (that is pretty much impossible to completely study for), an assignment due on Wednesday and a project to start before time gets away from me, and a quiz and 2 projects to start for my Thursday. I plotted out all the stuff I need to do today in my planner... I started hyperventilating! Oh and I didn't include everything... that would take WAY to long.

SoCiAl PaIn:
So I miss my friends. Ephraim is away for work till Dec. 8th, which just so happens to also be the day that Allie leaves on her mission. Sadness/Happiness... Crying will be the only option! BUT I also can't focus on it because that is the week before finals!!! :'( AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Then my other friends are calling me, texting me, confronting me about how I never see them anymore and they want me to make time for them!!! I cannot please everybody and I feel like if I try then I will please nobody! I think I'll just not try and take care of myself... but we all know that I can't do that either. It's against my nature.
I also miss having someone in my life. I want a boyfriend, but I don't want to date... but then I also don't want a boyfriend because I don't even have time for my family or myself half the time. UGH.

fAmIlY pAiN:
I never see my mom anymore. She leaves at like 5:30 am for work when I'm deep in dreamland and I get home around 12:00 am when she is deep in dreamland. Needless to say... I MISS MY MOMMA! Next, my dad accuses me of not caring about my family and never making time for them, thus I almost avoid being home to not get looks from him because, according to his standards, I will never spend enough time at home. Cameron has the life, he comes home and gets a standing ovation and then tells me what I should change in my life. Helene thinks I'm being stupid for not being home and then continues to criticize me about the rest of my life, particularly dating. I think she will never approve of anything I do. Plus if she gets her first straight 'A' report card (in her senior year after NOT doing well in her junior year) my dad praises the ground she walks on and asks if I ever got straight A's (I did. I got them so often that my parents stopped noticing them!) Brandon, my adorable 13-year-old brother, is always making snide comments about seeing me... "wow, what are you doing home? it's 10 pm." It all just hurts!

MoViNg-OuT pAiN:
Elisa and I will be moving out soon. We've pretty much got everything needed to move out! (except a microwave and a vacuum... but we're accepting donations... hint hint ;) ) We just need to find a place that will pass the dad test (harder than you may think) and our budget test! But when will we move out??? Don't know, still looking for a place and a time to do it... all around finals time.

cOlOn PaIn:
So add all that stress up and apply it to my easily sickened body. My ulcerative colitis reacts to stress and I get sick. I won't go into detail, just trust me that it ain't pretty and it sure is painful! Menstrual cramps got nothing on this. Oh and I need to reapply to get help to pay for my medication because it's super expensive, luckily my doctor is awesome!!! (as in strikes AWE).

So there might be more,
but they would fit under multiple categories.
Basically I just want to
S C R E A M, C R Y, S L E E P, C U D D L E, T A L K,
and just be okay again.

Welcome to Finals. See you in a month.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Slacker... and Tributes ;)

Okay... so I am a slacker when it comes to my blog(s) lately! School started and my new job and I've been basically away from a computer for days at a time! I work Mon.-Thurs. 8:45-3:30 then I have a class those nights from 4:35-7:05... and after that I either do homework or something social... you guess which one happens more. Fridays I work from 8:45-1:30... and then party all weekend! Oh... I work at an elementary school as a Special Ed Aide! BEST JOB EVER! Those kids are soooooo cute! I definitely have my favorites (and yes there are multiple!).

BUT life is good! ZETA has started and I love it! I barely see my best friends in the world. I see a lot of my guy friends though! Thus NO drama ;) No wonder I haven't gotten a flare up this semester yet! WOOT WOOT!

So I want to tribute three beautiful women who have helped me in my life in the past month!

Allie Vincent:
Allie has been my best friend for the past 2 1/2 years and I love her SOOO much! She has recently received her mission call to Nashville Tennessee!!! She is pretty much the most beautiful person I have ever met! She's absolutely hilarious, spontaneous, talented, kind, and SO TOTALLY THERE FOR YOU! She once ran a marathon with mono... she didn't know she had it at the time but she felt sick and STILL finished! AMAZING!!! I love her love her love her! She's practically my sister and my siblings' sister too!!!! (that's a big deal) She tells me how it is, good or bad. I love her and she gets mad at me each and every time I tell her how amazing she is!

Sarah Matheson:
Wow, this is a girl you want to hate because she is so beautiful and talented and kind and... practically perfect... BUT you can't. It's pretty much impossible. She lifts everyone around her and never thinks of herself, but she's got quite the collection of people who would do anything for her! Sarah is not dramatic... drama just comes to her because dramatic people are drawn to un-dramatic people... not that I'm dramatic or anything ;). She is always saying kind things and loving everyone she meets! I was a wanderer when I first met her and she gave me a home! I will love her forever.

Elisa Warren:
Soon to be my roommate. Elisa always puts others first and is so much fun to be around. She is so smart!!! She is taking 7 classes this semester and is handling them like a genius handles one class! We have all these awesome plans for when we get a place together and I'm seriously stoked because we just know how each other is and how to handle even the worst situations. Elisa listens. Always a good quality, but she really listens and doesn't jump to conclusions... too often ;) she is reasonable and so nice! She is my Blondie and I am her Sally Secretary! I love how she always tells me how it is no matter what. She doesn't sugar coat things for me, which is what I need!!! Oh I love Elisa!!!

I pretty much have the best friends ever!!! I love them all and I can't write about each of them on here... it would take way too long and I'm afraid that I would leave someone out! But anyway... my friends are playing Rock Band in the next room aaaand I should probably join them!
Don't forget to dance in the rain!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

End of Summer and Beginning of my Awesome 20's

I am now in my totally awesome 20's!!! What did I do to celebrate? Well my friend Ephraim stole me away from my homework and took me to an amazing Brazilian Steak House and then I had a girl's night later that night; filled with Bob's Brainfreeze and chick-flicks! It was an awesome birthday!!!

After that, it was enough partying. I had to get to work because finals week was the following week! After a couple of break downs and a lot of sugar I was able to pull through, create an awesome presentation, fix a very rough group paper, and skip out on a couple of social activities. (amazing right?). I guess it was all worth it! Today the grades were posted and I got an 'A!' I really only wanted to pass and get my associates, funny huh?

I also went to Summit last weekend but that's another story. Yes, I'm going to leave you hanging :) haha don't forget to dance in the rain!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Writer's Block

I have all of these thoughts floating around in my head. Life has been crazy lately and I just can't think without my head hurting. Even now I should be writing my 5 page paper on teen pregnancy for my English class, but I just can't write right now. WRITER'S BLOCK!!! So what do I do? I turn on my Pandora country station and go to my blank page... nothing. Ok, next check facebook till I'm bored then look at my blank page... still nothing. Go to KBull Country station website and look at stuff then go back to my homework... nothing! UGH UGH UGH! I have limited time to get stuff done and I can't think! I have thoughts rushing around in my head. I've just got to get them out....



So I'm here and here are my thoughts! :)

This homework is retarded and just busy work. My group members don't communicate well and I'm lost in what to write about, but not at the same time. Some people just need to buck up and stop whining (funny, isn't that what I'm doing?), I just want to read my book (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader), my stomach hurts, too many flare ups, I'm running out of medication, I need to call my doctor/his nurse, I need a new job by the end of August, Country music is AMAZING, no school for the next two days, it keeps raining randomly and I love it, I want someone to text me, I don't want to wait a week to see my friend Ephraim after he gets home from his business trip, BLOOD, these boys are driving me crazy, what's with me and creepers? so much to do, softball tonight - am I really as good as I think I am - which is kinda good, Mom and Helene need to come back with my car soon - I'm starting to freak myself out - BELL! going to the bathroom for the billionth time today - bleh, 19 for 8 more days woot woot! Helene needs a good dose of reality, Brandon needs to get past this 13-year-old-boy stage - he's driving me crazy, Cameron needs to get a car so Mom, Helene, and Brandon stop bugging me about taking mine places, OH MY STOMACH HURTS, and... well if you read all of that then I give you props because I don't think I'll go back and read that anytime soon :) haha.

Those are not all of my thoughts, each of those have sub-thoughts that I don't post in public places ;) Well I think I'm ready to write that paper... horrible paper!

8 DAYS!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Take Note


I do believe that I have had the best and the worst week ever!!! However, my friend and I once decided that what makes a good day a good day rather than a bad day is that you simply have to have more good moments than bad. The next step to a good day is to NOTICE more good things than bad.

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you take trials as hidden blessings. Trials are like illnesses and our doctor (aka God) makes personal prescriptions to make us better. In most cases we can avoid getting sick in the first place by taking care of and improving ourselves. However, sometimes illness is genetic and no matter how hard we try to be good we can still get sick. So really, how personal are genetics! They ARE you!!! I keep thinking about the illnesses I've faced in my life, both physical and spiritual, and I can become down trodden by their weight at times. Sometimes they even overwhelm me so that I just don't know if I could wake up in the morning because I'm in so much pain! Then I think of all that I've overcome in my life and how I was able to get through every single hard time that I've faced WITH the help of those I love and my Savior. These rough times are made for me and it is already in me to overcome them. I am a Goddess in embryo. Wow. How can you feel like the world is against you if you've got God on your side?

Look out world. Here I come.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

S U M M E R - B A B Y

ATTENTION ATTENTION ONE AND ALL!!! It is summer time!!! Like officially. The first day of summer is this week!!! And.. it's warm, finally!!! I think I'll lay out and read my book later today. Sounds Good.

Anyway... So I'm taking a summer class at SLCC. It is my last class before I graduate with my Associates Degree!!!!!! Then off to the UofU I go! Funny, two years ago I SWORE that I would never go the the U... and now I'm excited, as are my U fan friends.

Summer has been awesome though, rain or no rain (which I hope there will be more no rain and more SuN!). I even went to Lagoon this past Thursday with my bestie Allie, her sister Annie, and my sister Helene. Yeap. Fun FUn FUN.

Oh and I finally got a copy of The Host by Stephenie Meyer. My family owns a copy... but it's missing, we've spring cleaned our house and STILL cannot find it! So I went to the library. Thank you library. I've read this wonderful book before, but I tend to read every book I like twice, thus I don't miss anything! It's even better the second time and I can hardly put it down!!!

P.S. I love having my big bro home. He's amazing and I've realized that I try and compete with him on a regular basis, thus I am on a quest for a new job (I have to get a new one by Fall because Red Hanger Cleaners won't work with my class schedule at the UofU) and a new place to live. I love my family, but it's easier to love them when I have time away from them. :D

- Aubs

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

M to the O to the A to the B

Well my friends, it is officially summer! And how did I kick it off do you ask? I went to Moab!!! (Yes, be jealous, be VERY jealous!) Treating myself to a trip to Moab, Ut was my reward for finishing the semester with flying colors (Flying colors meaning 4 A's and 1 B)!

My single's ward (Wilford 2nd YSA Ward) was invited by East Millcreek North 19th YSA Ward to attend their Moab trip for the second year in a row. We were also joined by Cottonwood Heights 6th YSA Ward (Yes, I think it is quite amazing how I know the official names of these wards... how many times do you think I can say the words "Moab" and "wards?" Quite a lot). Needless to say, this trip was SOOO MUCH FUN!!!

I drove down on the morning of Thursday, May 13th at 8:30 am with my friends Morgan Aldous and Morgan Kester/Hatch (aka Katch). The ride was filled with music, playing chicken with mutiple semi trucks :), snackage, Mexican Coke, "sugar" water at Ray's Tavern in Green River, DINO TRACKS, and more!
After setting up camp, my friends and I ventured to play in a giant sand box... officially called Sand Dune Arch...
where I got buried in the sand. I was compleatly covered, except my head, thus sand got EVERYWHERE! About a pound of it went down my shirt... entertaining! The day was very fun and I got some sun-bathing and a photo shoot in as well!
The rest of my group of friends showed up later that evening and my energy level SHOT up! Hehe, lots of laughs.

Friday: RIVER RAFTING ON THE COLORADO RIVER! It was cloudy, so it felt colder than than it was, and then the rapids were small... BUT it's ok! Because my raft got educated on the hilarious things that happen to river rafting guides and the secrets of Disney World. I shall never look at a Disney Princess the same. ;) Oh and I learned some sign language. It was grand! I did get a bad/weird/funny sunburn though. I had a little trouble with sun screen... and I have physical proof. I do believe that I will be spending the rest of the summer trying to fix it. :D It is almost as bad as the hand print on my back from Bear Lake last year (that tan line HAS faded, thank goodness!).

My friends and I went on an AWESOME hike to a BEAUTIFUL waterfall.
A couple of us jumped from the cliff to the pond below. Max Chamberlain was the first to jump (not surprised) then all of us were debating on who was going next. I looked around at my friends' faces and decided to go. I turned around and jumped! About half-way down I thought about what I had just done... thus I started SCREAMING... then hit the water. ADRENALINE BABY! Oh it was so cool!
The rest of the group then proceeded to jump into the water. The water was cold but it felt so good in the hot air. Sarah, Max, Dean, and I all climbed up the waterfall to get back onto the cliff.
The rocks were covered with moss except for about 3 spots where the sandstone shone through. These were the spots we stepped on. I wouldn't have made it if Sarah and Max were pulling me up and Dean was making sure I didn't slip from behind. We all dried off while hiking further up the trail to a beautiful canyon and climbed slick rock like Spiderman. Oh the view was beautiful!

It started raining on the drive back to camp and continued to rain throughout the night until about 11:30 pm. Morgan Aldous and I went to see Robin Hood at 9:30. I slept through the fight scenes... how? - well my eyes couldn't focus on one thing because everything was moving, so I got dissy an fell asleep! It was a good movie even without the fight scenes. I won't see it again until it goes to the dollar theater/come out on video because I did not LOVE it. It was kinda unsatisfying, but it's hard to explain why... I guess it didn't feel like a movie, it felt like an in between story. Not a whole lot of climax. If you don't agree, feel free to comment.

Saturday: The girls woke up to Morgan Aldous sticking his head in our tent and telling us how beautiful we looked... thanks Morgan, but it could not be true.
Next thing we know is that Dave and Max are jumping into the tent and doing steam roller on us. Needless to say, we screamed.. waking up our tent neighbors (sorry Doug and Ron!). After packing up our stuff, Max and Dean went biking on Porcupine Trail while the rest of us went shopping... for 4 hours. I got an awesome shirt and sweet sunglasses! After shopping, we ate at Moab Diner (so good!) then went for a walk till Max called us when he was done.
After resting for a bit, we all headed to Delicate Arch (except for Dean, he broke his collar bone while mountain biking) and then to Sand Dune arch where we created an awesome sand canyon!
Morgan Katch and I headed home after that and the rest of the group went back to the waterfall. We got home at about 9:30/10:00 pm and they got home about 12:30 am. Morgan and I had an awesome talk on the way home and I'm glad it was just us even though Aldous was an awesome companion on the ride down :).

Moab 2010 was MUCH different than Moab 2009, but it was still so much fun!!! I still made some awesome new friends (whom you might hear about in detail at a later date) and strengthened the bonds of some old friendships! I cannot wait for the many adventures to come this summer!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Last Day of School/First Day of Summer

Yesterday was my last day of school. So when I finished the last of finals, I proceeded to enjoy my first day of summer!!! :D

Last Day of School:
- Woke up at 7:30am to drive my little brother to school.
- Went to my last Technology in the Classroom class at 9:10 (We watched everyone's final home-made movies)
- Came home and wrote my LAST final paper. Submitted at 1:15 (due @ 1:20)
- Screamed cheered and danced around... in my head

First Day of Summer:
- Went to see what my big bro was doing today cuz I got nothing. (He's been home from his mission in Thailand a WEEK people!)
- Went to BigOTires to get my dad's tires switched to summer tires :D
- Drove my brother (Cameron) to Big 5 to buy running shoes. He actually took my advice about which to buy. I am surprised... but proud :)
- Wendy's Trip! JBC and Crispy Chicken Sandwich (guess which one was mine)
- Highland Park Elementary Trip! Cam met my mom's coworkers (mom works in the resource classroom as an aid) and I checked something my mom had in her purse... hehe
- Tried to go have Thai food for lunch (I was secretly scared) and the cafe thing was closed. :'(
- Went to Checker Auto Parts to buy de-oxidizer for my car's headlights.
- Waited at BigO and read magazines. I'm officially caught up on Spring fashion hehe.
- Went home and de-oxidized my headlights. They look AMAZING. I love my beautifly Nissan Sentra all that much more now. (Belle got an eye job hehe)
- Went to Firehouse Carwash and Detail and got Belle (my car) all clean... but the driver-side mirror broke off... the [cute] guy who dried off my car felt horrible. I was happy that I actually got to talk to him! Mom and I glued it back on when I got home. :)
- Last Blast at SkyBox baby! It was so much fun! I think I played a total of 3-4 games while I was there... I talked the rest of the time! Oh and then I got to country swing dance with Griff Mansell outside. He's such a good dancer! So much fun... and then I kicked my shoe at him when he teased me. It didn't end well. SORRY GRIFF!!!!!!!
- I finished off my night by talking to my mom on her bed for an hour... and skipping out on the Iron Man 2 midnight showing. I was to see it when I'm AWAKE! :D
- I got my cell phone back at midnight! hehe YAY

Well that was my Thursday/Last Day of School/First Day of Summer! Long I know... Trust me I left out A LOT of details! :D Allie knows it too.

"Life's always a party if you're easily entertained!"
- Aubrey

Here are just some memories from the last week(s) of school!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lessons Learned, But I Haven't Met You Yet

I have a new favorite song. It is "Lessons Learned" by Carrie Underwood, my new favorite artist! Carrie is amazing and I love all of her songs. I had never heard her song "Lessons Learned" before I bought her album Some Hearts because I liked other songs on it. I seriously listen to this song 10+ times a day. I know every word and I even printed out the lyrics so I could tape them to my bedroom wall. I'm seriously in love and here's why:

There are so many words of wisdom in this song! "When life gets that much harder, it makes you that much stronger," "I'm thankful for every break in my heart, I'm grateful for every scar. Some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned," and "You can't change the past, 'cause it's gone. And you just gotta move on." I've made a lot of stupid decisions lately and I've been thinking about past mistakes and then I came across this song and it was an answer to my prayers. Everyone (well except one person :) ) has made mistakes and has regrets. I don't know if I regret any thing per say, all my decisions made me the way I am. However, I do wish I would've listened to The Spirit and my heart and made a better decision. I definitely have learned a lot of lessons. Then I love how it talks about broken hearts and how you just have to learn from every one!

Which leads me to my next favorite song: "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble. That one is pretty much self-explanatory. I have all these plans, hopes and dreams about who "he'll" be and what I'm going to do in my future. And I'll give more than I get, I just haven't met him yet!

Lessons Learned
- Carrie Underwood
There’s some things that I regret,

Some words I wish had gone unsaid,
Some starts,
That had some better endings,
Been some bad times I’ve been through,
Damage I cannot undo.
Some things,
I wish I could do all all over again,
But it don’t really matter,
When life gets that much harder,
It makes you that much stronger,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.

And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
And everyday I wondered how I’d get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I’m thankful, for every break in my heart,
I’m grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.

There’s mistakes that I have made,
Some chances I just threw away,
Some roads,
I never should have taken,
Been some signs I didn’t see,
Hearts that I hurt needlessly,
Some wounds,
That I wish I could have one more chance to mend,
But it don’t make no difference,
The past can’t be rewritten,
You get the life you’re given,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.

And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
And everyday I wondered how I’d get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I’m thankful, for every break in my heart,
I’m grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.

And all the things that break you,
Are the things that make you strong!
You can’t change the past,
Cause it’s gone.
And you just gotta move on,
Because it’s all
Lessons learned.

And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
From everyday I wondered how I’d get through the night,
From every change, life has thrown me.
I’m thankful, for every break in my heart,
I’m grateful, for every scar,

Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned,
Lessons learned.
Lessons learned.

Haven’t Met You Yet
- Michael Buble
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility

And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get

Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get
I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
(I just haven't met you yet)
Love, love, love, love
Love, love
I just haven't met you yet

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Can See the Light

Well friends! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel called Spring Semester 2010. Today is my last day of actual classes!!! I just turned in my music video for my Technology in the Classroom. I filmed myself singing "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood. Needless to say, I will NOT be posting it online. It's pretty stupid. However, my teacher was impressed with my editing (as was I, I just got lucky) AND I made my classmate cry. I'm pretty proud. If you want to see it... then you have to watch it with me... THAT way I can control who sees it, etc. :) I have my last Pacific Islander class next. I'm turning in my service learning project and then I have till next Thursday to email my teacher my final essay. I have one take home final for Multicultural Education due Monday by noon, the last test (not comprehensive) for Life Span Human Development on Wednesday, and a final portfolio for Into to Writing due tomorrow by noon. It's all coming together and I am slowly able to breath easier!

My birthday is three months from today and I'm excited. I turn 20. I won't be a teenager anymore. I'm not sad at all. I've had fun and now it's time to move on! Don't worry, there WILL be a party. :) So I will be 20 when I start my first semester at the University of Utah. I got my acceptance letter LAST WEEK! I'm estatic!

My older brother, Cameron, comes home tomorrow and I'm using it as my motiviation to make it through this week. Pretty good bribe to myself eh? :) I will be running errands all morning just so I can kill time and not go crazy with anticipation.

Here's one last thought from to give you a smile:
Today, I was chewing gum while at a stop light. I blew the largest bubble ever and frantically tried to get the attention of the guy in the next car. He looked, just in time to see the bubble burst all over my face. MLIA

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

10 Days and Counting

My older brother, Cameron Nance, comes home on April 30, 2010. That is a grand total of TEN days away! I honestly can't believe it. He has been gone for 2 years, 1 week, and 4 days. It's SO surreal! Cameron has been such an amazing example to me over the past 2ish years. He has been so diligent even when he was terrified to go out in the first place! (You should see the pictures of the day he left, he couldn't even smile he was too scared = hilarious!)

So much has changed over the past two years. I graduated from high school and am about to graduate from SLCC with my associates degree, I actually started dating, I got my first kiss and a couple after that ;), I've made life long friends of people I never thought possible, and I bought a car. Helene, my sister, was 14 when he left and she is now 17 (he left right before her birthday and is coming home after her birthday). She has blossomed into a GORGEOUS young woman, but I still think her personality is the same. I don't think Cam will recognize her, seriously! Then there's little Brandon. He was 10 when Cameron left and WOW he has grown so much! Cam left a little boy and is coming home to an almost teenager (he turns 13 in May). Then there is mom and dad who have both grown a lot, but they are simple changes so I won't mention them.

We all miss and love Cameron so much and wish that he could stay because he loves it in Thailand so much! BUT I signed up for 2 year and he will be gone for an extra 3 week (too long) and it's time for him to come home hehe.

Needless to say, I plan on "dragging" Cameron to my single's ward the Sunday that he gets back. Then two weeks later I plan on dragging him to Moab with my single's ward trip. Shell shock here we come! SO EXCITED!!!!