Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Can See the Light

Well friends! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel called Spring Semester 2010. Today is my last day of actual classes!!! I just turned in my music video for my Technology in the Classroom. I filmed myself singing "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood. Needless to say, I will NOT be posting it online. It's pretty stupid. However, my teacher was impressed with my editing (as was I, I just got lucky) AND I made my classmate cry. I'm pretty proud. If you want to see it... then you have to watch it with me... THAT way I can control who sees it, etc. :) I have my last Pacific Islander class next. I'm turning in my service learning project and then I have till next Thursday to email my teacher my final essay. I have one take home final for Multicultural Education due Monday by noon, the last test (not comprehensive) for Life Span Human Development on Wednesday, and a final portfolio for Into to Writing due tomorrow by noon. It's all coming together and I am slowly able to breath easier!

My birthday is three months from today and I'm excited. I turn 20. I won't be a teenager anymore. I'm not sad at all. I've had fun and now it's time to move on! Don't worry, there WILL be a party. :) So I will be 20 when I start my first semester at the University of Utah. I got my acceptance letter LAST WEEK! I'm estatic!

My older brother, Cameron, comes home tomorrow and I'm using it as my motiviation to make it through this week. Pretty good bribe to myself eh? :) I will be running errands all morning just so I can kill time and not go crazy with anticipation.

Here's one last thought from to give you a smile:
Today, I was chewing gum while at a stop light. I blew the largest bubble ever and frantically tried to get the attention of the guy in the next car. He looked, just in time to see the bubble burst all over my face. MLIA

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

10 Days and Counting

My older brother, Cameron Nance, comes home on April 30, 2010. That is a grand total of TEN days away! I honestly can't believe it. He has been gone for 2 years, 1 week, and 4 days. It's SO surreal! Cameron has been such an amazing example to me over the past 2ish years. He has been so diligent even when he was terrified to go out in the first place! (You should see the pictures of the day he left, he couldn't even smile he was too scared = hilarious!)

So much has changed over the past two years. I graduated from high school and am about to graduate from SLCC with my associates degree, I actually started dating, I got my first kiss and a couple after that ;), I've made life long friends of people I never thought possible, and I bought a car. Helene, my sister, was 14 when he left and she is now 17 (he left right before her birthday and is coming home after her birthday). She has blossomed into a GORGEOUS young woman, but I still think her personality is the same. I don't think Cam will recognize her, seriously! Then there's little Brandon. He was 10 when Cameron left and WOW he has grown so much! Cam left a little boy and is coming home to an almost teenager (he turns 13 in May). Then there is mom and dad who have both grown a lot, but they are simple changes so I won't mention them.

We all miss and love Cameron so much and wish that he could stay because he loves it in Thailand so much! BUT I signed up for 2 year and he will be gone for an extra 3 week (too long) and it's time for him to come home hehe.

Needless to say, I plan on "dragging" Cameron to my single's ward the Sunday that he gets back. Then two weeks later I plan on dragging him to Moab with my single's ward trip. Shell shock here we come! SO EXCITED!!!!