I do believe that I have had the best and the worst week ever!!! However, my friend and I once decided that what makes a good day a good day rather than a bad day is that you simply have to have more good moments than bad. The next step to a good day is to NOTICE more good things than bad.
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you take trials as hidden blessings. Trials are like illnesses and our doctor (aka God) makes personal prescriptions to make us better. In most cases we can avoid getting sick in the first place by taking care of and improving ourselves. However, sometimes illness is genetic and no matter how hard we try to be good we can still get sick. So really, how personal are genetics! They ARE you!!! I keep thinking about the illnesses I've faced in my life, both physical and spiritual, and I can become down trodden by their weight at times. Sometimes they even overwhelm me so that I just don't know if I could wake up in the morning because I'm in so much pain! Then I think of all that I've overcome in my life and how I was able to get through every single hard time that I've faced WITH the help of those I love and my Savior. These rough times are made for me and it is already in me to overcome them. I am a Goddess in embryo. Wow. How can you feel like the world is against you if you've got God on your side?
Look out world. Here I come.