Allie and I originally met in 7th grade... I don't remember how or exactly when, but I remember her being a part of my life throughout Jr. High. Apparently she had a bit of an attitude and liked to tease people. I say "apparently" because she was always super kind to me even though I was the one person EVERYONE seemed to enjoy teasing. I was an odd ball and I had a pretty big crush on a certain boy and I didn't know how to go about liking him... he was the wrong person to like because he enjoyed teasing me behind my back as well. Anyway, said boy was friends with Allie and he and all his friends joined in teasing me... however! Allie always stood up for me. I once asked her why and she told me it was because I was always so kind to everyone and many of the people who teased me didn't even know me. Allie even tried to deter me from liking the one stupid guy, I sadly ignored her and things got worse in 9th grade until I stopped liking him - a story for another time.
Allie and I continued our light friendship until the second semester of our senior year when we had British Literature together and also sat next to each other. I loved that class, but especially so since I had it with her. We began talking a whole lot and she would give me some of her snacks... our class was right before lunch and I was always starving. We began planning for our first year of college at Salt Lake Community College, where we were both planning on attending, and carpooling arrangements and other fun college stuff. All around this time period, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and I was super weak and tired. Allie was always there for me and helped me through that very difficult time.
Then came Summer!!! Allie and I continued to spend a lot of time together especially since our wards were combining for girls camp and we were both the eldest girls so we got to do devotionals and stuff. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time together. THEN our stake organized a singles ward and we were forced to attend since we were bother 18.. I had been 18 for 5 days at the time. We were wing women and went to everything together! Our ward even thought we were sisters.
When college began we carpooled, attended institute together, joined an LDS sorority together (ZETA), went to church together, and hung out every moment possible. My family practically adopted her and her's adopted me. The stories get really long winded now, so I will summarize! We served on South City Institute's Institute Council, ZETA officers, ward committees, etc. You couldn't separate us! Where ever I was, she wasn't far behind, and vice versa.

Allie's dad died a couple of years ago and NO ONE COULD TELL unless I told them (she wasn't about to). She is like Giselle from "Enchanted." If you don't love her, then you're weird. Just sayin'. She has been huge support to me! I love her so much!
Allie is the most magnificent woman I have ever met and she will be my best friend forever. She will always be there for me and I for her.
Get well soon Allie,
I love you!