Saturday, November 2, 2013

Wart Removal

About six months ago, I came across a home remedy for wart removal on Pinterest. This was an awesome find because I had a wart on my wrist that I had my dermatologist burn off last November, but it grew back three times the original size! I tried store bought methods like freeze off and acid applications, but they did nothing! So last June, after my wedding, I tried it out! This simple remedy is the only thing that worked so I'm going to tell you the steps to removing stubborn warts! 

Things you'll need:
- medical tape/bandages
- cotton balls/pads
- apple cider vinegar

Step 1:
Take a cotton pad and rip it to the size you'll need to completely cover your wart. 

Step 2:
Soak it in apple cider vinegar. The generic brand will work just find. 

Step 3: 
Place cotton pad over wart and use medical tape to hold it in place. You can use bandaid bandages as well. I just found that it works better if you trap the moisture so it doesn't dry out. 

Step 4:
Go to bed. This is especially important on day 5 because your wart will start to really hurt and sleeping is a great way to ignore the pain. 

Step 5:
Continue this process until your wart turns black, it will take about a week, and then peel off the wart. The roots should all be dead, but I kept applying the apple cider everynight for about a week more and some roots came to the surface around my wart!

June 26: 
This is a picture of the morning after the first application. Notice that it's beginning to turn black. 

June 27 morning:
Day 2! It's getting darker and harder.

June 27 night:
It's getting really dark! I started applying it every night and morning so it would kill the wart faster. It hurt, but I just didn't use that hand for awhile. 

June 29:
It finally became time to peel it off. 

This is right after I cleaned out the pus. You can see other sores popping up. They popped up without me even having the cotton pad on them so I think they were the wart roots surfacing after they died. 

The wound still looked like it had a bunch of roots in there so I applied the apple cider vinegar for a week or so more. 

July 3:
The wounds still looked suspicious so I applied the treatment over the whole area just in case. 

June 4:
I got really tired of applying the treatment so I took one last picture of the area and then let it heal. 

Gross I know, but it did not grow back! Here it is today November 2!

As you can see there is some scaring, but there is no evidence of wart growth! So if you have a stubborn wart, give this a try! It'll only cost you $5!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

One Year Ago

There tends to be times in my life when I really look back on the past year. Some people do this at the start of a new year, I suppose I kind of do it then, however, I tend to do it all the time. I'm a person who remembers dates really well and when I approach a memorial date I will think back to a year or more before and how everything is different. It is amazing what happens in a year!

Last year at this time I was beginning to date a guy... I'll just call it as it is - he is a player. I have met bigger players in my time, but he definitely deserves that title. His influence permeated for MONTHS after he physically left. Thinking back, I wish I had seen the signs and taken more precautions rather than letting him in so quickly. You think a girl would learn.

Well, I did. This player's influence eventually lead me to dating the love of my life, Anthony. A man who is everything BUT a player and also happens to be my very best friend.

Dear friends, please learn from my example. Do not kiss on a first meeting. Do not play into their hand. Do not let them make you the bad guy. Do stand up for yourself. Do remember your divine worth.

Do dance in the rain, even if you dance alone.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Day Devoted to Love

Happy Valentine's Day EVERYONE!!!

For those of you who are wallowing on what you're calling "Single Awareness Day," please note that I know where you are coming from! I called this fabulous day by that sad name for years,  I have even gotten hate notes in my locker. I really should have an astonishing hate for this holiday, however, please try to see it in new light like I was forced to about two years ago!

Two years and one week ago, my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. Yep, you did the math correctly. ONE WEEK before Valentine's Day. It was awful! I kept spontaneously combusting into tears! However, as Valentine's Day approached I decided to make the best out of this day and take the time to show love and gratitude for those who helped me get through that hard time. I made Valentine's for all of them! They were all surprised and I realized how sad it is that people stop giving valentines to their friends after grade school. I made a goal to make the best out of Valentine's Day. That year brought the best holiday of love! My roommate, who just broke up with her boyfriend too, and I met up with two of our single guy friends and went out for a night on the town... In happy valley. We went dancing, we had pizza, and we watched a movie in a BYU classroom. It was not a date, everything was Dutch, but it was an absolute blast!

I understand that this is hard to recreate every Valentine's Day, but that's not my point. The point is that I changed my attitude and it changed my day! Last year wasn't the best holiday, but I still bought valentines to show my friends and family how much I love them. Seeing them smile, even though many of them were single like me, made the day!

That is what Valentine's Day is all about!

I have never had a valentine until this year and he is my fiancé, my best friend, my partner in crime, the love of my life, and he is mine for eternity. I'm grateful that I've always been single, not alone, on this day because now it's even more special as we ate pizza and brownies that we made from scratch, drank A&W Draft Root Beer, had a T-Rex and a Raptor as our centerpieces, and enjoyed it all by candlelight.

Remember to dance in the rain!

P.S. I still gave out valentines this year even though I have a valentine... And I get to eat the left overs! ;)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Page - Little Minds

Check out my new page/tab Little Minds!

It's a collection of the darnest things that I hear little kids say.