Mothers don't always realize how much their kids are paying attention to them, but they are. You are a huge example for them of how to live! How you handle hardships is how they are going to handle hardships. That can be a scary thought or an empowering one. You have a lot of control.
I know you are not perfect, my own mother was not perfect, but she did her best. The key to improving is recognizing what you have done wrong or what others have done wrong and making strides to correct them for yourself. Trust me, I am right there with you. I have been on hiatus from blogging for about two years because I realized how many demons I have and couldn't write about how to dance in the rain when they were staring me in the face. I hid from those demons and ignored them. It didn't work, I got worse and now I'm trying to fix them.
Join me in this journey and realize how amazing you are! You can do this. Recognize your strengths, work on your weaknesses and become happier for it.
Together we'll learn to dance in the rain.