Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Life Is Average

My friends have shared stories from a website called "My Life Is Average." I have long since wanted to check it out, but always forget. HOWEVER, today I remembered. I have spent the past HOUR reading these random little stories. Pretty sure my dad thinks I've gone crazy and I randomly burst into hysteria of laughter! These people know how to dance in the rain. I will forever look for the little funny moments of my average life, because everyday moments make the best memories!

Here's a REALLY funny one I found today:

Today, I was in geometry class and decided to try #283 in 289 Things To Do In Class When Your Bored. "Teacher Bingo". I then proceeded to write six words I thought my teacher would most likely say. After ten minutes i had gotten most of my words, silently saying "yes!" to myself as I checked off each one. She kept looking at me because she knew I was anxiously hanging onto everyword she was saying. I was at my final word... Worksheet. She then proceeded to say "For homework tonight I have made up a workshe-" "YES!!!!!!" That "Yes!" hadn't been silent. The entire class turned to looked at me in shock: as did my teacher. My teacher then smiled at me and spent the next 15 minutes of class lecturing about how everyone should follow my example. Guess who didn't have to do a worksheet tonight? MLIA

I am totally doing this tomorrow! I probably won't get out of doing homework, but I'll have fun! :D

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