(I know I didn't write all summer... I was busy having
too much fun and I didn't have internet at
my 'plex so I couldn't update when I wanted to.)
Another busy semester is facing me! I really am working full time this semester. I have two jobs to do it! I am a Para Educator (AKA Assistant Teacher) in a Special Ed Kindergarten Class at Upland Terrace Elementary. I am also a waitress at The Cowboy Grub. I love both of my jobs, but they sure do keep me busy. Next on my plate is the full time school schedule I'm holding. I'm taking Math, Linguistics, a Reading Methods class (which also requires me to be a reading tutor on Tuesday and Thursday mornings), and a Zumba class (I needed one more credit hour for my scholarship to be valid).
In the mean time, I'm also enjoying the new friends I made this Summer! My best friend, Grif Mansell, introduced me to a bunch of his high school friends whom I love to death!!! We play games like Wasser-Krieg (V-ah-s-er - Kreeg) which means "water war" in German. It's like water polo and rugby combined... with LESS rules. I got elbowed in the eye and woke up the next day with a slight black eye. It was awesome! We also play Frisbee golf... I'm really bad at it, but I still think it's so much fun! Then every Sunday night we have fantastic game nights! Oh my goodness, these people are so much fun!!!
- Russell is a huge goof who likes to push people's buttons... and them into pools. He seems to especially like pushing my buttons. He's going to get hurt one of these days...
- Sam is the sweetest guy you could meet. He always greets me SO warmly! I look forward to hanging out with Sam, he's just a pleasure to be around all the time.
- Ashley. Oh this girl is beautiful inside and out! I love joking around with her. Also she makes me look good at Scum... the worst game ever.
- Taylor is hilarious!!! He does it all! Music, dance, act, play sports, and looks cute while doing it. haha. Taylor is the type of person who is up for anything, anytime.
- There are definitely more people whom I love but it would take way too long to write about them!
On Another Note
Sometimes I find myself asking "why." Why did he break up with me? Why am I killing myself off for college? Why didn't he like me? Why am I working two jobs? Why am I not getting answers to my questions?
The answer seems to keep coming back, "BE PATIENT." Not an easy thing for me to do ;) However, I think I'm finally seeing the fruits of my labors! God really does answer prayers and sometimes you don't get the answer you were expecting.. you get something so much better! I know that's cliche, but it's SO true! About 3 weeks ago I got the rude realization that I wasn't going to get what I wanted. I was super sad for about 2 days. It was really hard and I didn't know what to do with myself! I just kept my chin up and pretended like nothing was wrong. Well after those two days something even better came my way! I feel like I'm living in a dream.
"If you want your life to be a fairytale, you have to be your own fairy godmother."Sometimes the "why" questions don't need to be answered. I think little clues for the reasons can be seen and those tend to give me hope, but I also know that those aren't always the real reason things happen. Sometimes you date people and it doesn't work out. Maybe it was because something was going to happen that wasn't supposed to, maybe you already learned the lesson in the short period of time, or maybe it was really that you were supposed to introduce your two friends. I used to want to play match maker, but now I realize that it doesn't work like that. I've introduced a ton my friends to people and nothing comes from it and then sometimes it does. I think I'd much rather be a tool in the Lord's hand and be pleasantly surprised with the results then give Him all the glory.
"'Why' questions are such a waste of time. Ask 'How can I turn this around?' and 'What can I learn from this?' Life is too short to be living in the past."
I hope you're enjoying life my dear :)
Thanks Kallie!!! I sure am! I hop you're enjoying married life :D
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