Wednesday, March 14, 2012


"A friend is someone who does things that count, but never stops to count them."
It's invigorating to finally just be happy with myself and recognize all of the blessings that I have. It is interesting because my biggest pitfall in my personality is to blame myself for everything. It's not a healthy habit, but I am getting a handle on it with a little extra help.

I started a habit of writing in a journal when I was about 13 years old. I did not have very many friends back then and it was my release, that and poetry (I won't let you read it, it's just depressing). ANYWAY! I've cultivated that habit and I have filled many many books with my random ramblings. It's really fun to look back at what I was doing _______ days/months/years ago. However, when I'm really tired I tend to write an itinerary of my day and it is really boring with very few memories. Which is strange considering that I strongly believe that everyday is filled with the little moments that make life worth while and those are the moments we should be focused on. So what did I do? Wait for it....

I created a memory book! Just a little book where I write at least one memorable thing for every day. It's been awesome! It gives me a real chance to look back on my day and search for those little things that made me grin and laugh. At first it was really difficult to think back for some memorable moment in a average day. So I started noticing during the day and I'm so excited to get to write them down! I've discovered that the little things don't get to me as much anymore! I think of ways to make the best out of any given situation. I have more patience with my students and customers.

I have an eternal perspective.

You're probably wondering what the quote at the beginning of this post has to do with anything I've talked about yet... just wait, it does, and here's how: We should not stop to count all the good deeds we do in a day, whether it be for a friend, coworker, family member, or random stranger! However, there are things we should count, like true friends, the moments that make us smile, the things people do for US, our talents, our positive attributes, and a bunch of other positive things. I'm not saying we should all get egotistical. I hate that! I'm just saying that no one likes a pity party and they are so avoidable if you just focus on the postitive!

I don't want to focus on the things I'm good at. That's for me to know and for you to find out. ;) Although, I do want to focus on the things people have done for me in the past few weeks. Yes, I'm going to talk about my tremendous friends. I know I do this a lot, but you tend to value what you haven't always had.

I have the best friends ever! I will not name them because I have to draw the line somewhere and I always hear about it if someone didn't make the cut. I love you all!!!

I have friends who let me vent to them, friends that wake me up from my delusions, friends that say they fail to find something wrong with me (Thanks for pretending), friends that will drive to give me a hug when I really need it, friends that randomly visit me at work and create a record for the most refills, friends who leave HILARIOUS voicemail messages(yes, I save them), friends who create rules and then kindly remind me of them, friends who won't let me think badly of myself, friends who will rescue me from a bad situation, friends that get mad when I say I can "maybe" go on a trip, friends who get mad at those friends who got mad at me for saying maybe, friends who laugh at my stupid jokes, friends who will only go to a party if I'm there (that makes me feel awesome), friends who say they feel like they've known me for ever rather than a few months, friends who love talking through movies, friends who go on drives, friends who go on adventures, friends who stay up talking for hours at IHOP, friends who say I'm beautiful even when I haven't showered for a week, friends who fight over whose ward I should be in, friends who make blanket forts, friends who go on midnight runs to Walmart, friends who love to EAT no matter the time of day, friends who give me piggy back rides, "shanaenae," friends who dance, friends who sing, friends who make me laugh, friends who make me cry, friends who dress down, friends who get spiffed up, I have friends and it's the one thing I've always wanted.

I'm going to start posting my memorable every day experiences on the sidebar of my blog... I hope I can figure it out! I'm excited to show you how awesome life can be... even with a life as busy as mine.

"Life's not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away."
- Hitch


Anthony said...

This post is like the opposite side of the exact same coin as the last post I made on MY blog... which is I guess what makes this impressive. I think a lot of people THINK the things you just said, and perhaps even claim to live by them, but at least in MY case it's difficult to find reasons to shut the "pity party" off. In any case, it sounds like you've found something I personally spend a great deal of time chasing.
Here's a question to ponder though. So the desire (and eventual obtaining) of friends makes you happy right? I'd say that's probably the biggest one for me. I like friends. So the other night I debated this with someone- OFTEN people rip on me and tell me I'm relying on other people for my happiness that way. Which I don't believe to be the case... I've just spent the majority of my life being lonely and knowing someone in the world cares or that I'm a part of SOMEONE'S life other than just my own is... I dunno... comforting? Adds reason to things for me? I dunno. I'd be interested on your take on this sometime.
Also, the Memory Book sounds sick. I may start a Memory WordPad Doc as a result. Despite your vague ramblings, this is easily one of the most intriguing blogs I read. Loved it as usual!

aubrey said...

I think that we all tend to rely on our friends to make us happy, I know I often do. However, it is important to note how you feel when you are alone. Are you trying to distract yourself from your own thoughts or are you developing your talents.

No, Anthony, I don't think you rely on someone else's friendship to make you of worth. I do think you should make an effort to show your real self rather than completely hiding it.

Thanks for your comment!