Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This College Thing

Ah school...

That thing that come every August and ruins all our lives!

Especially in college.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE college! It's the best time of my life! Everything is so so fun! HOWEVER! Tuition sucks. This has been the first semester that I've had to pay tuition... I know "boo hoo Aubrey. It's your 5th year of college and you're just now worrying about this." And you're right! I'm very blessed! Although, now I know how the rest of my school feels. Thus, it suck!

I pretty much fell apart for a week because of school stuff... and other stuff... but it all stemmed from school issues... Anyway! Anthony helped me through it and all is good now.

Guess how many credits I'm taking!!!

Drum roll please.....................................


Yep. Just 7! The lowest I've ever taken is 12 and now I'm just over half that.
Well, I guess this is my reward for only having to take 6 classes this year before I start my student teaching. Thus 3 classes this semester and 3 next semester. It all works out though because these classes are the hardest yet! Luckily, my teachers are awesome and they actually care about teaching us and helping us learn. Therefore, I want to do the work for them. I know it's not about the grade to them. It's about us.

That's the kind of teacher I want to be.

I think I can do this college thing.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

I'm glad you think you can do it... In your fifth year :) I'm sitting next to you doing homework so I guess you CAN do it.