Pretty much no one gets that joke. Just so y'all know, if you say "Nanny Aubrey" just like how you'd say "Nanny McPhee," they sound similar... I realize it's a stretch, but when I first started this job I felt like her. The boys have had many nannies in the past who each had their own style of child care and I had to combat those styles and two little boys, ages 5 and 7, who are trying to figure me out. It was hell. I was so tired at the end of the day from all the tantrums and scratches and manipulation attempts and hating words! I was questioning what I got myself into within a week of beginning the job. There was even with defiance with potty training! Therefore I compare myself to Miss McPhee.
Over the past few months I've been picking my battles and building relationships with these two boys. A lot of little things slid by in the beginning. The important things had to be battled on. It helped to have their parents' support. Their rule: When Aubrey is here, what she says goes. The end. Over time I've been able to get them to say "okay" when I ask them to do something. They say "please" when they ask for something. When I use the "voice" to say no, they stop short. They know the consequences of their actions. We've talked about it on their level, face to face.
I talk to them like adults because they have their own thoughts and they are smart. I'm teaching them to think for themselves.
We do the funnest things!!! Their new favorite place is "the sand park" where they learned to pump and jump off the swing. We've been going their a lot lately and it's been really fun. We also have been many other places around Salt Lake. I'm so grateful for these boys and their family. The little one told me one day to call them my grandsons... Yeah, I had to explain to him that I'm not old enough to be a grandmother... He agreed that nephew was a better term. :)
I love watching them grow, learn, and become who they're meant to be. I love helping them pronounce their /th/, /r/, and /l/ sounds and listening to the youngest practice counting and saying THirteen and Fourteen instead of fiwteen and fouwteen. He's so proud of himself and I'm so proud of him.
The best part has to be the random hugs and kisses or the words of affirmation. "Aubwey, youw fa best." It just makes any day better. It even makes the screaming of "Youw da wowse babysittew evew!" as I carry them out of the grocery store more bearable.
Everyday is an adventure and I'm glad I get to experience it. I even created a hash tag on Instagram to document all the races, lava monsters, tickle monsters, swinging, tag, Foosball, Dino nuggets, and silly faces. To follow me just look up #themantadventuresofnannyaubrey.
Like the little red head once said, I am grateful for smiling faces.
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