Thursday, August 12, 2010

End of Summer and Beginning of my Awesome 20's

I am now in my totally awesome 20's!!! What did I do to celebrate? Well my friend Ephraim stole me away from my homework and took me to an amazing Brazilian Steak House and then I had a girl's night later that night; filled with Bob's Brainfreeze and chick-flicks! It was an awesome birthday!!!

After that, it was enough partying. I had to get to work because finals week was the following week! After a couple of break downs and a lot of sugar I was able to pull through, create an awesome presentation, fix a very rough group paper, and skip out on a couple of social activities. (amazing right?). I guess it was all worth it! Today the grades were posted and I got an 'A!' I really only wanted to pass and get my associates, funny huh?

I also went to Summit last weekend but that's another story. Yes, I'm going to leave you hanging :) haha don't forget to dance in the rain!!!