Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Writer's Block

I have all of these thoughts floating around in my head. Life has been crazy lately and I just can't think without my head hurting. Even now I should be writing my 5 page paper on teen pregnancy for my English class, but I just can't write right now. WRITER'S BLOCK!!! So what do I do? I turn on my Pandora country station and go to my blank page... nothing. Ok, next check facebook till I'm bored then look at my blank page... still nothing. Go to KBull Country station website and look at stuff then go back to my homework... nothing! UGH UGH UGH! I have limited time to get stuff done and I can't think! I have thoughts rushing around in my head. I've just got to get them out....



So I'm here and here are my thoughts! :)

This homework is retarded and just busy work. My group members don't communicate well and I'm lost in what to write about, but not at the same time. Some people just need to buck up and stop whining (funny, isn't that what I'm doing?), I just want to read my book (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader), my stomach hurts, too many flare ups, I'm running out of medication, I need to call my doctor/his nurse, I need a new job by the end of August, Country music is AMAZING, no school for the next two days, it keeps raining randomly and I love it, I want someone to text me, I don't want to wait a week to see my friend Ephraim after he gets home from his business trip, BLOOD, these boys are driving me crazy, what's with me and creepers? so much to do, softball tonight - am I really as good as I think I am - which is kinda good, Mom and Helene need to come back with my car soon - I'm starting to freak myself out - BELL! going to the bathroom for the billionth time today - bleh, 19 for 8 more days woot woot! Helene needs a good dose of reality, Brandon needs to get past this 13-year-old-boy stage - he's driving me crazy, Cameron needs to get a car so Mom, Helene, and Brandon stop bugging me about taking mine places, OH MY STOMACH HURTS, and... well if you read all of that then I give you props because I don't think I'll go back and read that anytime soon :) haha.

Those are not all of my thoughts, each of those have sub-thoughts that I don't post in public places ;) Well I think I'm ready to write that paper... horrible paper!

8 DAYS!!!

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