Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zion Day

The Holladay YSA Stake (my stake) has instituted Zion Day. Zion Day is every Tuesday and we have been asked to pray for members of our stake. I admit that I haven't been consistent with this responsibility. HOWEVER! I have been a recipient of Zion Day. I had a hard weekend last week. I was stressed about money for tuition and had no idea how to pay it. I was asking friends and family for assistance. None were financially able to help. I applied for a personal loan last Saturday, but was informed that I wouldn't find out if I got it until Tuesday morning (the day tuition was due) because of Labor Day weekend... It freaked me out. I tried not to think about it on Sunday and Monday. I trusted it would all work out.

Tuesday morning came and I called the credit union and waited on hold for what seemed like forever to find out the news. Well, disappointment hit hard. I needed a co signer to get the loan, something I couldn't provide in such short notice. It was the day of reckoning and I had 7 hours to come up with the money. Then my last chance - a deferral plan - wasn't working. The Internet site was crashing. I broke down. Not a little bit, a lot a bit. I threw myself on my knees and prayed/begged for my Heavenly Father's help. With tears flowing down my cheeks, I left for work. I work as a nanny from 10 to 4. Tuition was due at 4:45. I felt as though all was lost, but I couldn't give up. I just couldn't. So I text my boyfriend Anthony for support. He came through with a wonderful text telling me to keep a prayer in my heart and just have faith because it will all work out in the end. Then I text my roommate Alexis, it was random, but inspired. She knows how to handle money. She came to my rescue with loan options and different ideas. I was actually able to get on the Internet while the little boy I nanny, played on his own. The deferral plan website started working again and I was texting Anthony and Alexis for advice. Well I couldn't afford the upfront payment. So I was lead to drop one class. It was hard but turned out okay. An enormous weight was lifted from my shoulders and I knew everything happens for a reason. I felt SOO much better! I finished work happily and left for school. On my way to class I ran into two girls from my old LDS sorority and one good friend I haven't seen in a while. They gave me big hugs and were happy to see me. They asked many questions and gave much encouragement.

I headed to class shortly after talking to them and it was a good class where I got partnered up with a friend who is often in my classes. After class I went to the LDS Institute to wait for Anthony to get back from his man date with his friend. While at the institute, I sat with the same old friend I saw earlier and we talked and did homework. I saw Tyler, a friend whom always calls me Polly. Suddenly, a person appeared in the seat next to me. I quickly realized it was Julie from my ward! We talked for a half hour until I had to leave to take my car to another friend to help me fix the belts. On my way to my car, I saw a couple of girls STANDING on my car! I was about to freak out at them, but then I recognized them as my best friend, Allie, and sister, Helene. They were going to send me a picture of it.

While fixing my car, Nate took off my serpentine belt and inspected it. It was still in good shape, no need to replace it. So he put it back on and tightened the loose bearings that were making the squeaking noise.

I was in dire need of love on that day. I felt so alone as I faced this huge hurdle and the Lord put ten individuals on my path to inspire and uplift me. I know it was because I had all the prayers of the stake on my side.

God loves us individually. He helps us specifically.

There are no coincidences.

1 comment:

Collin and Sarah said...

I'm sooo glad everything worked out ok for you! The Lord is so aware of us, it's amazing. Love you!