Sunday, June 20, 2010

S U M M E R - B A B Y

ATTENTION ATTENTION ONE AND ALL!!! It is summer time!!! Like officially. The first day of summer is this week!!! And.. it's warm, finally!!! I think I'll lay out and read my book later today. Sounds Good.

Anyway... So I'm taking a summer class at SLCC. It is my last class before I graduate with my Associates Degree!!!!!! Then off to the UofU I go! Funny, two years ago I SWORE that I would never go the the U... and now I'm excited, as are my U fan friends.

Summer has been awesome though, rain or no rain (which I hope there will be more no rain and more SuN!). I even went to Lagoon this past Thursday with my bestie Allie, her sister Annie, and my sister Helene. Yeap. Fun FUn FUN.

Oh and I finally got a copy of The Host by Stephenie Meyer. My family owns a copy... but it's missing, we've spring cleaned our house and STILL cannot find it! So I went to the library. Thank you library. I've read this wonderful book before, but I tend to read every book I like twice, thus I don't miss anything! It's even better the second time and I can hardly put it down!!!

P.S. I love having my big bro home. He's amazing and I've realized that I try and compete with him on a regular basis, thus I am on a quest for a new job (I have to get a new one by Fall because Red Hanger Cleaners won't work with my class schedule at the UofU) and a new place to live. I love my family, but it's easier to love them when I have time away from them. :D

- Aubs

1 comment:

ชาเขียว (Green Tea) said...

I love every stories by you wrote. I smile anytime when I read. I can't wait for next story. Have a nice day!
