Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Slacker... and Tributes ;)

Okay... so I am a slacker when it comes to my blog(s) lately! School started and my new job and I've been basically away from a computer for days at a time! I work Mon.-Thurs. 8:45-3:30 then I have a class those nights from 4:35-7:05... and after that I either do homework or something social... you guess which one happens more. Fridays I work from 8:45-1:30... and then party all weekend! Oh... I work at an elementary school as a Special Ed Aide! BEST JOB EVER! Those kids are soooooo cute! I definitely have my favorites (and yes there are multiple!).

BUT life is good! ZETA has started and I love it! I barely see my best friends in the world. I see a lot of my guy friends though! Thus NO drama ;) No wonder I haven't gotten a flare up this semester yet! WOOT WOOT!

So I want to tribute three beautiful women who have helped me in my life in the past month!

Allie Vincent:
Allie has been my best friend for the past 2 1/2 years and I love her SOOO much! She has recently received her mission call to Nashville Tennessee!!! She is pretty much the most beautiful person I have ever met! She's absolutely hilarious, spontaneous, talented, kind, and SO TOTALLY THERE FOR YOU! She once ran a marathon with mono... she didn't know she had it at the time but she felt sick and STILL finished! AMAZING!!! I love her love her love her! She's practically my sister and my siblings' sister too!!!! (that's a big deal) She tells me how it is, good or bad. I love her and she gets mad at me each and every time I tell her how amazing she is!

Sarah Matheson:
Wow, this is a girl you want to hate because she is so beautiful and talented and kind and... practically perfect... BUT you can't. It's pretty much impossible. She lifts everyone around her and never thinks of herself, but she's got quite the collection of people who would do anything for her! Sarah is not dramatic... drama just comes to her because dramatic people are drawn to un-dramatic people... not that I'm dramatic or anything ;). She is always saying kind things and loving everyone she meets! I was a wanderer when I first met her and she gave me a home! I will love her forever.

Elisa Warren:
Soon to be my roommate. Elisa always puts others first and is so much fun to be around. She is so smart!!! She is taking 7 classes this semester and is handling them like a genius handles one class! We have all these awesome plans for when we get a place together and I'm seriously stoked because we just know how each other is and how to handle even the worst situations. Elisa listens. Always a good quality, but she really listens and doesn't jump to conclusions... too often ;) she is reasonable and so nice! She is my Blondie and I am her Sally Secretary! I love how she always tells me how it is no matter what. She doesn't sugar coat things for me, which is what I need!!! Oh I love Elisa!!!

I pretty much have the best friends ever!!! I love them all and I can't write about each of them on here... it would take way too long and I'm afraid that I would leave someone out! But anyway... my friends are playing Rock Band in the next room aaaand I should probably join them!
Don't forget to dance in the rain!!!


Collin and Sarah said...

Oh you are so sweet! Thanks hun! Love you:)

Allie Patricia said...

pretty sure this just made my whole entire day!!! I just love you so much and am so grateful that I get to have such a wonderful friend in my life! You always know just the right things to say! I sure love you! And you better write to me at least once to tell me how moving out goes, your boys, zeta, and of course being at the best school ever (the U of U).
love your sis. me.

Kallie Olson said...

Precious! :) I'm glad things are going so well Aubrey dearest! I miss your face! OHHHHH so much!!! I better at least see it at my reception!!!!!! ;)

aubrey said...

Sarah: Love you forever!

Allie: Um... I think I'll write you like.. EVERY WEEK... or at least when you write me back ;). I do need to tell you about A LOT of stuff!!! But I'm not sure the U is the best school ever, I'm still in my FIRST semester. Still testing it out!

Kallie: You need to inform me when you're in town so we can play.... or I could come visit you at USU! But YES I'll be at your reception!

ชาเขียว (Green Tea) said...

Didn't be a slacker next time. Are you know, I waited your new storied for long time. I'm love your blog and I love anything when you wrote about your life stories.

aubrey said...

haha Sorry Cha! Homework usually comes first, but I will try and be better! Thanks for following!