Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Curiosity Killed the Cat


Curiosity is a good thing, cats are bad.

Obviously, I strongly dislike felines. I'm not sorry if that statements offends you. If something this stupid offends you Then you're dumb. Get over it.

Moving on, I do have reasons for disliking these creatures. Ready? Go.

1. They are mean.
2. They are creepy looking at night.
3. They are bad luck... Apparently just the black ones are... I still have my suspicions.
4. They are often running loose and come out of the bushes startling everyone out of their socks.
5. They are too stubborn to be trained.
6. They walk through their kitty litter and then jump on the counter. GROSS.
7. They use sandboxes as their litter box!
8. They eat birds.
9. They claw.
10. They are lame when compared to cool wild felines.
11. They destroy upholstery.
12. I'm allergic to them.

As Bob Barker would say: "Please have your [cats] spayed..."


Anthony said...

"Did you ever see a cat's eyes in the dark, and wonder what they were?" "It's good to be curious about many things." I was listening to this while I read this post...

aubrey said...

That is ingeniousness!!! I am totally going to post this on my blog!!! :D Thanks!