Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Through and Through

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
- Dr. Seuss  

Be You through and through.

I've worked with kindergartners this past year and I noticed something about them, they have their own personality!!! I'm sure some people out there are saying "well duh!" but think about it! For the longest time I thought that we develop our personality over time, which is true. However, I feel that we are WHO we are from birth. Different aspects about ourselves change, but I think that is just the process of trying to "find yourself" when you are young. You lose track of "who you are" in pursuit of "who they want me to be."

Once again, I must ask you to think about it! How did you act when you were little? Is it very similar to how you act now? Probably... unless you are fake now. :) Well, I did think about this! I was the little ray of sunshine. I was spunky, silly, loud, emotional, smart, controlling, and violent (we have footage of me hitting my older brother when he was teasing me... or I was just being silly... when I was 6... he didn't retaliate, which infers that it happened often.). Guess how I act now? The same. I simply have more life experience to help me relate to others around me.

Your kindergartner teachers knew you before you became you. Some of your self-destructing tendencies were evident when you were 5 and your teachers were trained to see them... and possibly warn your future teachers. 

What happened between now and then? Life. We all get to go through adolescence, it's a right of passage! Hopefully you learned something about who you don't want to be. I know I did. I'd much rather be confident, loud, and loving than insecure, quiet, and fleeting.  

Don't forget the things you used to love. 
Don't forget the things you used to want to do.
Don't forget the things you used to want to be.

Chances are they probably aren't "used to" still.

I used to love dancing at random happy moments.
I used to want to go to the Museum of Natural History.
I used to want to be a teacher.

I still do the walking man whenever something awesome happens.
I went to the Museum of Natural History 14 years after missing the field trip.
I'm two years away from getting my teaching license.

I used to love watching Disney movies.
I used to want to go to the Westminster Park.
I used to want to be a model.

I get more excited about a new Disney movies than anything else.
I drove by the park today and stopped to swing on the swings.
I get to model a winning outlook every day of my life.

In the words of Peter Pan
"If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"


Anthony said...

Wow this wasn't a blatant spring board off of something I said. Not at all...

Interestingly enough, I looked at a first grade year book tonight and saw that my teacher had signed it "Keep writing those amazing stories!" You're entirely right. I love and do almost ALL of the same stuff. I was a bat for Halloween when I was four. Guess what animals I love to death to this day? Bats. I wanted a pet alligator ever since I saw Disney's The Rescuers. I got one when I was a senior in High School. My favorite toy from when I was BORN (literally I have pics of me sleeping with this thing just DAYS after being born) was a plush Fox. He's still in my bed to this very day.

aubrey said...

I would like to point out that it was NOT a blatant spring board off what you said. I actually had a conversion with someone last Wednesday about this subject. Of which I was reminded of by your comment on my last post, but instead of writing a really long comment, I decided to write a whole other post because I had a lot to say. Thank you for inspiring me to keep writing, however, I did not just take your words and make them my own. As you once said, we think and notice similar things. Thus great minds think a like.