Sunday, November 27, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Thanksgiving is an interesting day. The United States of America was the first country to dedicate a day to give thanks. Think about it. We all get a day off a school and work to focus on those wonderful things we have in our lives. We spend the day with family! No one is alone on Thanksgiving. Those without somewhere to go automatically are instantly invited to friend's table for a feast of gratitude.

In honor of the beautiful Thanksgiving Day in 2011, I give thanks for all the blessings I have in my life.
  • My mom. She is not my best friend, she is my mom. A mother with a listening ear who is never judgmental. She taught me to love everyone, even if I don't love what they do. She taught me to give everyone a second chance... and a third... and a fourth... you get the idea. I love her more than she knows and it's my life's ambition to be just like her. Thanks Mom!!!
  • My dad. A man who as always pushed me to be my very, very best. The man who can fix anything, whether a bike, a weird-smelling furnace, or a china set. A man who's greatest pride is the accomplishments of his children. Thank you Dad.
  • Cameron, my big brother. He always watched over me from a distance in school. Tried to help me avoid doing embarrassing things... sometimes to no avail. :) Our friendship has grown stronger since he returned from serving a two-year mission in Bangkok, Thailand. I will always look up to him. Thanks for always being there Cam.
  • Helene, my little sister. No one can bug me as much as she does, but no one can love her as I do. She is possibly my favorite person to fight with, however, since she's been in Savannah, Georgia for an internship with Del Sol, I miss her more than words can describe! She is always my go-to for fashion advice, she tells me what was going on bluntly, and she is a master manipulator... good thing I've been trained how to spot it. I love you and miss you Helene!
  • Brandon, my baby brother. Oh my goodness! He is hilarious! You know those social filters that we all pick up along the way? Well he doesn't really have one... and he doesn't care! I love his unconditional love and how he isn't embarrassed to give his biggest sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I'm so grateful for my little Buddy!
  • Allie, my best friend. She is such an inspiration to me! She recognizes the good in EVERYONE and loves them just the same! Thanks for listening and advice--ing Al!
  • Sarah, my best friend. A friend to everyone. A girl who as seen me through it all! Thanks for loving me still!
  • Elisa, my best friend. She can tell me straight. No beating around the bush, but she sure knows how to pamper a girl when she's had a hard week. Thanks for putting up with my ditzyness!
  • Tyler, my best guy friend. He helped me through a hard time in my life and set my college life out on the right foot! Thanks Ty!
  • Josh, my best guy friend. Wow, he sure can see me like no one else and read me like a book too! He's hilarious and crazy and that's why I love him! Thanks for the long talks Josh!
  • Grif, my best guy friend, my dance partner, my entertainment. From our deep talks to busting out songs at the top of our lungs, he is my favorite person to hang out with no matter my mood. He has also introduced me to so many awesome people who have impacted my life for the good. Love that guy! Thanks Grif!
  • Russel, my best guy friend. The guy who comes off as a total goof ball, but is a total sweet heart once you get to know him. Thank you for listening and offering advice, or even simply giving me a hidden hug when you recognize those moments where one is desperately needed.
  • Ephraim, my best guy friend. A guy who knows everything about me and loves me anyway. A guy who will not let me think back of myself and has every right to think bad of me. He forgave me even when it would've been completely understandable if he didn't. Thanks for the awesome movie nights and late night waffles! Thank you for listening.
  • Bryant, my boyfriend. Oh my, he's hilarious! I always seem to be laughing when I'm with him. I know I can depend on him for anything! Thanks for the memories Bry! I look forward to tons more!
  • My awesome house. It's adorable and it's affordable. I'm learning so much on my own!
  • The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know it is true.
  • God, my Heavenly Father. He loves me and I love him.
  • Jesus Christ, my savior and friend. I couldn't make it without him. 
  • My Totally Awesome, simply fabulous, hilarious, forever caring friends. I will never forget you!
  • Polly, my 03 Mazda Protege. I couldn't survive my life without her! Keep going baby!
  • My laptop. 
  • My scholarship.
  • My teaching job. I sure do love those kids!
  • My waitressing job. SO much fun to work there.
  • Pie
  • My cell phone.
  • My bed.
  • Movies
  • My movie collection.
  • Netflix
  • Utah
  • Snow
  • Music
  • Brownies
  • Cookies
  • Ice Cream
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Lactaid
  • Food
  • Teachers
  • Aunts and Uncles
  • All the little moments that make the best memories.
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.

So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.

- Count Your Blessings by Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Collin and Sarah said...

Awww I love this!! You're so sweet and I miss you like crazy! Thanks for making my day...actually, thanks for making my life! Love you :)

p.s. I love that phrase, "my boyfriend". Just sayin :)

Allie Patricia said...

I'm grateful for you girly!!! I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH TOO! I can't express how much you've done for me :) Especially helping me understand my worth! Thanks! LOVE YOU!